One of the most impactful moments of  your Christian life is the moment that you decide to respond to the Great Commission. 


Matthew 28:19-20 says,Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


Just like Jesus commissioned the disciples, He has also commissioned you to GO, and you said yes. This launches you into a journey of preparation during which God will begin to mold you and teach you new things as you grow in your faith. So, you’ve said yes to the call…. Now what?


  1. Research the place where you are going to serve. What kind of government do they have? Who is the president or leader in power? What is the capital, the national language, and the population? It is important to research and gather information so that you know more about the people you are going to serve! 
  2. Get your documents in order. Make sure that you apply for a passport with enough time in advance so that you don’t have to pay the extra fee to expedite it, and you also don’t have to stress over it! If you have a current passport, make sure that the expiration date isn’t within 6 months of your entry date into the country where you are going on a mission trip. If it is, they have the right to refuse you entry. Renew your passport or apply for a passport with plenty of time to spare. Also, check vaccine requirements. Some countries require vaccines that you may not have. Do the research so that you are prepared! 
  3. Spend time fundraising. Over the years, I have learned that there are people who are called to send you on your mission trip just like you are called to go on the mission trip. Both the sender and the go-er are equally important and equally excited! God has prepared people to give, and these people will joyfully give toward your mission trip. Make sure that you spend the appropriate time required to fundraise by sending letters, reaching out to people, planning fundraising events, and praying over each fundraising strategy! 
  4. Collect supplies. It is better to buy some things on the mission field and support the local economy, but there are sometimes things that you may not be able to find there, or that are much more expensive. Find out from your leaders what would be helpful to bring and begin to collect supplies. This is also a great thing to share with your church and people who are asking how they can support you! 
  5. Learn some of the language. This is huge! It isn’t difficult to learn a few words and phrases in another language, and this will go a long way on the mission field! People love when you show that you’ve made an effort to learn their language, and it also serves as a point of connection to begin a conversation before a translator comes along to help. 
  6. Practice sharing your testimony. Revelation 12:11 says, “ And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” This is how we overcome the enemy. A testimony is a powerful thing! If you are nervous about sharing your testimony for the first time or speaking in front of others, It can help to write it down and then read it out loud. Your testimony should be a 5 minute snapshot of how Jesus transformed your life. It should include what your life was before Jesus, how you got saved, and how your life has been transformed since then! The focus should be on Jesus and how He has transformed your life for the better. 
  7. Pray for the people. God is going before you and preparing the way (Deuteronomy 31:8) and He is the one who changes hearts (Jeremiah 24:7). We know that there is power in prayer (Matthew 21:22) and that He is attentive to our prayers (1 Peter 3:12). Knowing this should encourage us to pray over those we are going to serve. Pray that their hearts would be softened and receptive to the word of God. Pray for salvation. Pray that the word of your testimony would bring breakthrough for people struggling with the same things that you have overcome. Pray for God’s will to be done on the trip. Pray for your trip leaders, the local leadership, and your team members to be led by the Holy Spirit as they plan and prepare for the mission trip. 
  8. Read your Bible. Spending time reading your Bible each day will encourage you and prepare you for your mission trip! Filling your heart with scripture will prepare you for a mission trip in a way that nothing else can.
  9. Reach out to your team leader with questions. Your team leader undoubtedly has a passion for missions. There is no question too small or concern too silly to bring to them. If it is on your heart, share it with them! 
  10. Connect with your team! There is always a special bond among mission teams. These people are going to share an experience with you that will be life changing! Pray for your fellow team members and encourage them. Reach out to them and ask them how they are doing with their fundraising and how you can pray for them. Get to know them before the trip if possible. 


If you’ve just decided to go on a mission trip and don’t know where to start, I hope that this list gives you some ideas! May God guide your steps and use you on the mission field to share His love and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.